Quick Reminder - tomorrow, Thursday, 3/14, is an Early Release Day for students with dismissal taking place at 1:00 instead of 3:00. It’s also “Decade Day!” We can’t wait to step back in time and spend the day with students from the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s, etc! Friday is a St. Patrick’s Day celebration - Go All Out in GREEN! Enjoy your night, Mrs. Ratigan :)
10 months ago, Laurie Ratigan
Will the REAL teacher/student please stand up? We had SO much fun today with the teacher-student switch! The adults were VERY comfortable on this Monday and loving the crocs and sweatshirts! Don't forget that Tuesday is Sports Day!
11 months ago, Laurie Ratigan
Spirit Day
Spirit Day
Spirit Day
Spirit Day
Spirit Day
Spirit Day
Spirit Day
Wreaths Across America - Remember, Honor, and Teach! We are so honored that Wreaths Across America visited EWG on Monday! The Mobile Education Exhibit spent the day at Metcalf and many students were able to visit to learn about the mission of WAA. Local members of the military and fallen soldiers were recognized in a powerful ceremony at the EWGHS in the evening. Our Metcalf Military Kids Group played a huge role in the ceremony, also honoring the member of their family currently serving in a beautiful and moving part of the night! Thank you to all who helped organize this event, to those who attended, and most importantly, to those that serve our country.
about 1 year ago, Laurie Ratigan
Metcalf Military Group
Dear Metcalf Families, We have so many fun things planned for this holiday season as we continue to focus on Kindness, Giving, and Service to Others. A huge donation has been made to the foodbank and our Kindness Tree is growing! Thank you to all our wonderful families for supporting these efforts. Also, on Thursday, 12/21 we’ll be taking an “All-School” field trip to Showcase Cinema in Warwick to see the new film, Wonka. We’re looking forward to being all together as a school community to celebrate the holiday season! Don’t miss the permission slip with all the details that was sent home with students today, 11/30. Please see the schedule of events below and be sure to mark your calendars! -Mon. 12/4-Fri. 12/8 - Penguin Patch Holiday shopping week! -Tues. 12/5 - SIT meeting, 3:15-4:00 in the library, all are invited to provide ideas and feedback to make Metcalf the best it can be! -Friday, 12/8 -School Spirit Day, Crazy Holiday Hair/Hat Day -Friday, 12/8 - Polar Express Movie Night, 6:30-8:30 at the JSHS Library -Monday, 12/11 - Wreaths Across America mobile Education Center will visit Metcalf during the school day. An evening presentation will take place at the JSHS. It’s such an honor for EWG to be hosting! -Friday, 12/15 - School Spirit Day, Ugly or Festive Sweater Day! -Thursday, 12/21 - All School Field Trip to see Wonka @ Showcase Cinema in Warwick. Please look for the permission slip that was sent home today and return it by Friday, Dec. 8th. -Friday, 12/22 - School Spirit Day, wear your school-appropriate PJs to school. -Sat. 12/23-Mon. 1/1 - Holiday Vacation
about 1 year ago, Laurie Ratigan
Hi Metcalf Families, We've enjoyed a fantastic Book Fair Week thanks to our equally fantastic PTA! Don't miss tonight's Family Book Fair night in the cafeteria from 5:30 to 8:00. Could your child be missing their favorite sweatshirt, water bottle, or jacket? It's quite possible so be sure to check out the Metcalf Lost & Found which is growing in size every day once you're done shopping! On the Horizon… Tuesday, 10/31 - Halloween Day…don’t forget your costumes! Thursday, 11/2 - Flu Clinic Monday, 11/6- Evening conferences Tuesday, 11/7 - Day conferences, no school for students Monday, 11/13 - Veterans’ Day, no school Friday, 11/17 - Lifetouch Picture retakes Wed-Fri, 11/22-11/24 - Thanksgiving Recess, enjoy time with your family.
about 1 year ago, Laurie Ratigan
Metcalf News
Metcalf News
Don't miss the Halloween fun at Metcalf! :)
over 1 year ago, Laurie Ratigan
Halloween Fun at Metcalf!
Let's all enjoy Reading Week at Metcalf, 5/22-5/26!
over 1 year ago, Laurie Ratigan
Reading Week 5/22-5/26
Hi Metcalf Families, As we enter into this last week before February vacation I have a few important items to share. -We will be following the normal “Specials” schedule on Monday. There was some talk of switching the schedule but that is not the case so it’s a normal Monday. :) -Don’t forget that Tuesday is Valentine’s Day! If your child brings Valentines to school, please be sure he/she includes one for everyone in the class. Also, candy and food items cannot be sent into school. Thank you. -Friday is our Kids’ Heart Challenge! Our students will be jumping rope to raise funds for the American Heart Association. The children must wear sneakers and bring a water bottle to school on Friday. Thank you to Mrs. Unsworth and Mrs. Allen for organizing this fun and worthwhile event! -Next week, 2/20-2/24, is February school vacation! I hope you all enjoy the Super Bowl tonight...even though the Patriots aren't playing! Mrs. Ratigan :)
almost 2 years ago, Laurie Ratigan
School is now cancelled for the day today due to icy roads, power outages, accidents and road closures. Stay safe & warm everyone!
almost 2 years ago, Laurie Ratigan
There will be a one hour delay to the school day today due to icy roads. Please drive carefully.
almost 2 years ago, Laurie Ratigan
Join the Metcalf Community!
almost 2 years ago, Laurie Ratigan
Join Our Metcalf Community!
Hi Metcalf Families, This is your friendly reminder that tomorrow, Thursday, Feb. 2nd is an Early Release Day for students. Dismissal will take place at 1:00 and teachers will be engaged in Professional Development for the remainder of the afternoon. Thank you so much, Mrs. Ratigan :)
almost 2 years ago, Laurie Ratigan
Dear Metcalf Families, Beginning tomorrow, Tuesday, Jan. 17th, buses will arrive at bus stops for morning pick-up about 5 minutes earlier than previously scheduled. This adjustment is in response to some hiccups we’ve experienced as of late to ensure that all students arrive at Metcalf by 8:37 each morning. The afternoon drop-off time is not impacted. Thank you so much! Mrs. Ratigan :)
about 2 years ago, Laurie Ratigan
Happy New Year to all our Metcalf Families! I hope you all had a wonderful vacation and are settling back into your school routines. We all enjoyed the many holiday activities and learning that took place in December and now we’re setting the course for the months ahead. We have mid-year benchmarking assessments coming up soon on which we’ll set instructional goals for our students. I also have some other important information and events coming up that I’d like to share. Important Information: -Mary Richard has taken a position as Secretary for Special Services in our Administration office. We wish her well and will miss her! -Christina Rosato has moved into the Metcalf secretarial position that Mrs. Richard vacated and is already doing a fabulous job! -Please send all absentee and dismissal communications to: AnneMarie_Gizzarelli@ewg.k12.ri.us and Christina_Rosato@ewg.k12.ri.us going forward. I will share the name and contact information of our new building clerk as soon as all is finalized. Upcoming Events: Thursday, Jan. 12th - Grade 6 Band Concert @ 6:30 Monday, Jan. 16th - MLK Day, no school Wed. Feb. 1st - PTA mtg. @ Wawaloam Thursday, Feb. 2nd - Early Release Day @ 1:00 Sunday, Feb. 5th - PTA’s Kids Choice Bowling Feb. 20-Feb. 24th - Winter Vacation Mrs. Ratigan :)
about 2 years ago, Laurie Ratigan
It's STEAM Night this Thursday at Metcalf! Come join us for all the fun!
about 2 years ago, Laurie Ratigan
Metcalf STEAM Night!
Hi Metcalf Families! Don’t forget it’s the Scholastic Book Fair at Metcalf this week! All classrooms are invited to attend on the following days with Book Fair FAMILY NIGHT taking place on Friday 10/28 from 5:30-8:30 PM!! Monday (10/24)- Ricci/Demulenaere, Goddard, Geyer, Millard, Murdock, McKeen, Levett, O'Neill Tuesday 10/25)- D'Amico, Murphy, Hanley, Colomb, Johnson, Paquet, Ewing Chow, DiPietro Wednesday (10/26)- Masden, Bucacci/Tsongalis, Lavoie, Leclerc, Ortiz, MacEachern, Blake, Dobias Friday 10/28)- Callahan, DiRocco, Goldman, Wilbur Also, just a reminder that this Thursday is an Early Release Day with students being dismissed at 1:00. Next Monday is Halloween and we’re planning some fun! Please see the notice with details. Mrs. Ratigan :)
over 2 years ago, Laurie Ratigan
Halloween Fun!
Just in case you missed it… Please visit the following link for Metcalf’s Summer Learning opportunities: Summer Learning Would your child like to attend Tennis Camp in August? It runs from 8/1-8/5. If so, please call 556-9975 for more information. Grade level supply lists have been updated and are available on the school website. Happy Summer!
over 2 years ago, Laurie Ratigan
Hi Metcalf Families, This is just a quick reminder that there is no school for students today, Monday, 3/14. This is a scheduled Professional Development day for all faculty members. Teachers will be engaged in the Science of Reading training for the full day so we'll see the kiddos on Tuesday to begin an exciting 4 day week of teaching and learning! Don't forget the PTA is also sponsoring an in-school Book Fair for students Tuesday through Friday this week. We can't wait to support our PTA and encourage literary enjoyment and appreciation with our students. The classroom schedule for the Book Fair is attached. Lastly, please be sure to participate in SurveyWorks again this year before 3/31. We are hoping for 100% participation from our families! The Metcalf SurveyWorks Family link is: http://bit.ly/ridefamily Students in grades 3-6 will also be taking SurveyWorks which is an annual survey to gather very important data for our school district, and RIDE, from students, parents, and educators. If you do not want your child to participate in the survey, please let your child’s teacher know asap. Thank you so much for partnering with us to support all EWG students. Kind regards, Mrs. Ratigan :)
almost 3 years ago, Laurie Ratigan
Hi Metcalf Families, Just a quick reminder that tomorrow is “Sports Day and SuperBOWL Friday” at Metcalf! Let’s encourage our kiddos to dress in their favorite sports gear and then we’ll surprise everyone with a SuperBOWL of ice cream and all the fixings. I’ll also have popsicles available for anyone with allergies or dietary concerns. I’d like to give a huge SHOUT-OUT to Christina Jacques for donating the whipped cream and sprinkles for our fun tomorrow! Thank you also for Mr. Feinstein’s help and to Ashley Ewing-Chow’s family for securing the SuperBOWLS of ice cream and even delivering them to Metcalf today! Happy Friday to All! I just love the amazing TEAM EFFORT between home and school to keep our children happy and excited to come to school and engage in learning even when we're struggling with COVID restrictions! Thank you so much for all you do! Mrs. Ratigan :)
almost 3 years ago, Laurie Ratigan
Dear Metcalf Families, I hope you all managed to stay warm this weekend and are plowed out after the big storm. It certainly looks beautiful outside and it’s so much fun for the kids! That being said, please be sure your child comes to school with everything needed to play in the snow, (hats, mittens, boots, snow pants, etc.) so they’re ready for recess! As you’re preparing backpacks for tomorrow, please be sure to find the white envelope containing state assessment results that were sent home with students in grades 4-6 on Friday. Teachers and administrators are available by email should you have any questions. Please note the upcoming events: Thursday, Feb. 3rd - Early Release Day, dismissal at 1:00 followed by asynchronous learning Tuesday, Feb. 15th & Thur. Feb. 17th - NAEP testing for some Grd. 4 students Feb. 21-Feb. 25th - Winter Vacation, no school Thursday, March 3rd - Picture Day Tuesday, March 8th - Dental Screening Monday, March 14th - PD day, no school, asynchronous learning for students March 15th-18th - Scholastic Book Fair Thank you for being such awesome partners! Mrs. Ratigan :)
almost 3 years ago, Laurie Ratigan